Thursday, April 23, 2015

Mini Exhibit of bird sketches made by Gloria Poole,RN,artist of Missouri on 23 April 2015

These are more of the bird sketches I drew, painted,signed, photographed and uploaded in past 24 hours. Also, some info about me and copyright info.

This is a Northern Cardinal sketch I drew [ppainted signed photographed uploaded and it is in watercolor on 11x 14 paper i my sketch book.

This is a sparrow sketch I drew painted signed photographed and uploaded and it is 14x11 in my sketch book. I like sparrows because GOD said HE takes care of believers the way HE takes care of sparrows.

This is an American goldfinch and it is watercolor and tempra on 11x 14 paper.

This is a "great Crested flycatcher" which is really a funny, odd looking bird, and I sort of prettied it up some. It was so ugly it was sorta cute!

Statement of ownership of this blog, info and symbols/photos of Gloria Poole,RN, artist of Missouri and copyright info:

Copyright notice for all photos I photograph with any camera.

This is my latest selfie.

This is the University of Georgia display I made using appliques from the UGA alumni book sent to me, to remind all that I am a UGA alumna.

This is the seal of the place where I atteded and graduated from nursing school years ago.

This is copyright notice for all content on this blog: all photos, all words and all art on it.

This is a Christmas cross that belongs to me that is to remind all that I am Christian, born-again, raised in the Southern Baptist faith and that I do not make, nor worship images of GOD, nor of things made by humans in keeping with the commandments of GOD and the words of JESUS THE MESSIAH.

This is one of my photos of the U S flag that I photographed on walkabout to remind all I am a US citizen in the USA in the state of Missouri and have all Constitutional liberties including the first amendment .

This is my copyright notice for this blog.

This is my signature as it signed it on an oil painting years ago. I am adding it to this blog because some people do not think I am the same white Christian, single again woman who signed this in red paint, but I am, and the painting I signed that on, is owned by my youngest daughter Leigh who has it. But obviously my signature belongs to me and I can use it any way I like. I quit putting my neon green digital signature on blogs because criminals tried to "hook" it to try to control my blogs. Of course, you see this same signature at the top of this blog of mine. nd also on other blogs of mine including

Update to remind all that I have other blogs that I primarily post art that I create too, also. I intended to make this blog a MINI EXHIBIT of art I create, and to leave each post up longer so people everywhere can see it. I post art I create also to these blogs of mine and create each one by one:; #cartoons including a complete story I wrote and illustrated named "The Lady Bugs that give picnics" [simple #cartoons I made

and other sites and blogs that I own and create one by one also and that I add art to occasionally to illustrate a point, so any one wanting to see the full gamut of art I have created and posted to web would have to look at every blog of mine on any topic going back to about year 2006 and through archives also.

Also, for the record, all telephones associated with this blog and indeed with any blog of mine that are actually MY handsets/my accts that I pay for; and that I myself added to my blogs [and criminal-hackers didn't] are my personal phones and are physically located in my apt in MISSOURI in the USA.Some are landline telephones and some are cell phones, and some are google voice numbers, and I rotate them around as necessary to prevent criminals from stalking me.

Copyright notice for any and all photos I photograph on any camera or phone for any reason and whether or not I post them to blogs, and whether or not the photos are of art I created or genre photos of nature, architecture, landscapes, skies, etc. Includes copyright notice for "photo-by-gloriapoole" of ALL photos I have ever photographed!

This is my signature as I signed it on the old painting "four children on the lawn" which I think is posted to my blog at I am adding it here to confirm I am the same white, unmarried [twice divorced] Christian woman who began this blog years ago, and morphed it after I moved to Missouri in Oct 2009. It is a bit fuzzy because I put it into that ellipse on purpose.

I am keeping this paragraph here on purpose from previous post: "Update on 19 April 2015 by me Gloria Poole,RN, artist of Missouri to add in fact that I have other blogs that include art I made [for provenance and copyright issues] and to add in U S flag since cyber-criminals made an effort to try to ruin me by posting unknown to me persons'[ multiple] photos into an album with my very name on it, and they posted a few photos of dilapidated slum-like houses also, that I had never seen before until I googled my own name to find a photo I had photographed & posted on the web. It was a shock to me to see the faces of people I didn't know who used my REAL name to try to promote themselves with what I suppose was photos of themselves and their slum like house [where?] and of the leader they admired [but that I despise!}. So, in an effort to document these events, I am reminding all that I am a white woman, Registered Nurse, am artist in all mediums, am photographer, writer, author, cartoonist, illustrator all for my own purposes. I do not have "boss" and have not had any boss since year 2003 when I worked for a hospital. Most of my work experience is as RN for medical facilities. I did learn to draw formally and I learned to paint from a tech school course on mixing paint and was first taught by my mother's sister in Virginia years ago. Cyber-criminals cannot authorized themselves to use my real name nor add their photos to my online albums." For the record, both of my daughters are also white women born in the U S. Info added by me /s/ Gloria Poole, RN,artist; Missouri on 19 April 2015 at 2:26pm.

Statement of ownership of this blog and copyright info:

All telephones associated with this blog and its underlying account belong to me Gloria Poole personally and are physically located in my apt in Missouri except when I walkabout. But of course, my landline telephone does not go along with me on walkabouts! Also, for the record, all symbols that represent me on this blog or any blog still represent me. I rotate phone numbers on my accounts as need bem, to prevent criminals from breaking into my blogs or stalking me.

As always this blog and all content on it belongs exclusively to me Gloria Poole, RN, artist of Missouri and I own all rights to it. I do not have a son, and I have only 2 grown daughters named Jennifer and Leigh who also have minor children of their own. Copyright notice: This blog and all content, all words, all photos and all art on it were created and posted by me Gloria Poole , RN, artist of Missouri and Georgia. Usually I sign the art I create as simply Gloria since that is my first name I was born with; but on pencil drawings I sometimes also sign my born with surname of Poole. I am also known on the web and in real life as Gloria Poole; Gloria J Poole; Gloria Poole, RN, artist; and on the web as :Gloria; gloriapoole; gloria-poole; gloria.poole; Ms Gloria Poole; gloriapoole.RN; gloriapoole_RN; gloriapooleRN at yahoo; gloria0817; gpoole817; artist-gloriapoole; gloriapoole-paintings; artist-gloria; Poole,Gloria; gloriapoole1749; and other variations of my real, born with, and legal name of Gloria Poole. For the record, I am a white, twice divorced Christian woman and the mother of two grown daughters who are named Jennifer and Leigh. I am also a prolife activist, blogger, artist in all mediums; photographer for my own purposes, Registered Nurse with a license in Missouri but before that for most of my life in the state of Georgia, U.S. citizen born in the state of Georgia; University of Georgia alum, Georgia Baptist College of Nursing alum, writer, illustrator, author. This blog may not be downloaded, nor copied individually or collectively as a whole; nor have domains forwarded to it that do not belong to me, nor may the photos or art on it be reproduced or saved to disk by anyone . I create all content on this blog and I, Gloria Poole, own all rights to this blog collectively and individually as single posts. The telephones listed on this account belong to me and are in my apartment in Missouri or in my possession at all times. Some of my numbers are wired, landline telephones and some are mobile phones. This blog and all blogs that I create and that contain my words and or art and or photos that I create belong exclusively to me Gloria Poole, of Missouri and Georgia. Copyright. Gloria Poole /gloriapoole /gloria-poole /gloria.poole/ Ms Gloria Poole/ Poole Gloria; Gloria Poole,RN,artist at my own, private apt in Missouri which is not shared with anyone and neither is my equipment nor phones shared with anyone, and nether is my isp account shared with anyone. Gloria Poole, RN, artist; on 23 April 2015 at 9:15am.